EVERYONE can shop!
Store Hours: 8am-9pm, Daily
Closed: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day
Board Candidate Information
About the Co-op
Our Mission Statement: We aim to serve the needs of our owners and patrons by providing wholesome foods economically in the cooperative tradition, in ways that best promote the health of the individual, the community, and the earth.
Ends Policies: Because of Neighborhood Co-op, the people of Southern Illinois and surrounding areas will have:
• A more engaged, vibrant community focused on local sustainability
• Access to meaningful products and services
• A model of a cooperatively-owned and profitable business
• An increased understanding of food systems
About the Board
We use the formal consensus process to make decisions and a facilitator runs our meetings. For more information about consensus visit Formal Consensus. We use a governance model developed by John Carver to carry out our responsibilities. You can learn more about Policy Governance by visiting Carver Governance Model. The term of office is three (3) years, beginning at the Annual Owners Meeting at which you are elected and ending at the Annual Owners Meeting 3 years hence.
Want to see the Board in action?
Try attending one of our monthly meetings. To find out more, please contact our Board Development Committee:
Running for the Board
Who Can Run?
In order to be eligible to run for the Board of Directors (BOD), you must be an owner in good standing of the Neighborhood Co-op. If you are not already an owner, you may become one by purchasing a share at the front desk. “An owner in good standing” means that you may not have any late payments with purchase of shares, bounced checks, or anything else that would cause you to be out of good standing.
Is Experience Necessary?
No, but some experience on boards means you may catch up more quickly. What counts most is your interest in the Co-op, your common sense, and your willingness to work together with a group who cares about our co-op, learning to use the tools we have chosen.
What is the Time Commitment?
We usually have 10 regularly scheduled meetings each year. We also have one planning session, usually a day-long retreat in fall. There may be another day-long session in the early spring if needed. You should plan to spend an average of 10-15 hours a month as a director, most of which is flexible. There will be a few occasions, usually no more than once a year, when out of town overnight travel may be required.
How to Run:
According to our Bylaws, owners can become candidates for the Board in 1 of 2 ways: be nominated by the Board, OR submit a petition for candidacy signed by 50 or more owners.
Board Nominated Candidates: A candidate wishing to be nominated by the Board, as differentiated from a candidate by petition, undergoes an application process which we believe helps the Board to perpetuate itself in a strong way. If you wish to apply for a nomination from the Board, we ask you to submit this application no later than the deadline the year before you wish to run.
Candidates by Petition: In addition to this application, candidates seeking nomination by petition must submit their petition by the deadline outlined below.
In order to ensure owners are well-informed of their choices, ALL candidates for the Board, whether nominated by the Board or a candidate by petition, have the opportunity to have a 250-word candidate statement published in the Meeting Announcement & Annual Report if received by the required date.
Dec. 1 - Submission deadline for board nominated candidates
Dec. 11 - Board will approve and nominate the slate of candidates
Feb. 14 - Deadline for candidates seeking nomination by petition and who want to appear in the Annual Report/Notice of Annual Meeting
Feb. 26 - Absolute deadline for candidates seeking nomination by petition
April 5 - Voting begins
April 26 - Winners announced at OwnerFest
To learn more about the Board/Election:
We encourage anyone who is interested in applying to attend a board meeting and/or speak with a current board member. You can contact the board by email at BoardDevelopment@neighborhood.coop